Canadian Coach Bev Priestman

Canadian Drone Drama

Canadian Coach Bev Priestman Apologizes for Olympic Scandal

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Nope, it’s a drone causing trouble at the Paris Olympics! Canada’s women’s soccer coach Bev Priestman is in hot water after her team was docked six points and she got a one-year ban. Why? Two of her assistants got caught using drones to spy on New Zealand’s practice. Naughty, naughty!

Priestman, who led Canada to Olympic glory in Tokyo in 2021, is now deeply sorry. “I’m heartbroken for the players and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for this mess,” she said. “As the boss on the field, I take full responsibility and will cooperate with the investigation.”

This scandal isn’t just about one incident. There were complaints last year too, and now everyone’s wondering how deep this drone drama goes. FIFA has slapped Canada with a hefty fine of $226,000, and Canada’s sports minister isn’t happy either, calling the drone spying “cheating.”

Points Deduction

Canada’s soccer team is appealing the points deduction and hopes to still make it to the knockout round despite the setback. The team’s interim coach Andy Spence is stepping up, and fans are cheering them on to overcome this challenge.

So, keep an eye out for Canada on the field, not in the sky, as they aim to rise above this drone debacle!

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