Magistrate in the Dock

Last year, more than one hundred cases were filed against those who had illegally tapped electricity. A fair number were fined, and at least three received prison sentences.

This time it’s a little bit different—a Magistrate is in the dock. The Mount Lavinia court Registrar observed that the electricity bill was skyrocketing, and upon looking around, he found out that Magistrate Kosala Senadheera had connected the court premises’ electricity to his adjoining bungalow.

The case was reported to the Police and the Electricity Board, but they had to wait for a while as investigating a judicial officer was no easy task. Kosala Senadheera was transferred to the Fort Magistrates Court, more than twenty statements were recorded, and the matter was reported to the Judicial Services Commission.

Now the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has interdicted Colombo Fort Magistrate Kosala Senadheera. Among the witnesses are two high court judges as well as officials from the Ceylon Electricity Board and the National Water Supply and Drainage Board. Kosala Senadheera is yet to be questioned on the power game.

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